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What Are The Benefits Of CrossFit Hand Grips?

May 30, 2022

There are two major benefits that these hand grips offer you:

1. Hand Protection

As mentioned above, CrossFit workouts usually have you work with a number of very rough objects which aren鈥檛 usually nice to your hands. Calluses, blisters, rips, and cuts are very common. Anyone who has been attending CrossFit training for some time now must have noticed that these things are very common and your hand is no longer as soft and nice as it used to be.

This is one of the biggest reasons why one needs to use hand grips. They help protect your hands against these unwanted skin abrasions.

2. Improved Grip Strength

Grip strength matters a lot while you work out in a CrossFit environment. It needs to be ensured that your grip strength is strong because if it is not, you might end up falling, or even worse, have the equipment fall on you. Both of these are rather dangerous scenarios and can put you out of action for a long time. Having a good grip strength ensures your hands do not slip off the bars or that things don鈥檛 end up falling on you while you are working out. 

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