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What Exercises Can Hand Grips be Useful For?

Apr 03, 2022

There are a large number of exercises for which hand grips can be used. Particularly when it comes to CrossFit training, these grips can be used for the following:

1. Pull-Ups

These grips are a really good option for pull-ups and muscle-ups. While this sounds too basic, pull-ups actually require you to have a really good hand grip, without which you wont be able to last for long and you will require frequent breaks. These grips are important not only for your regular pull-ups, muscle-ups, and chin-ups but are of good use even in case of a variant such as the Kipping pull-ups. The best CrossFit hand grips help you improve your grip on the bar and make sure you can work out for longer periods.

2. Kettlebell Exercises

When you are swinging a kettlebell, you need to be extra cautious of the grip because in case of something going wrong, not only can you cause serious pain to yourself, but also to someone around you. Kettlebells need to be used with extreme care and you must always use a handgrip while working with them. Getting a good grip on a kettlebell will help you exercise for longer hours and build better strength and stamina. AEOLOS Leather Gymnastics Hand Grips are a good option for anyone who is into Kettlebell exercises.

3. Toes to Bar

A variant of a regular pull-up where you are also exercising your lower body and your core by pulling yourself up, toes to bar is a rather intense exercise that requires quite a bit of practice. However, one mistake here and you might end up falling on your head. This is why you must always wear a high-quality hand grip while working out on a toes-to-bar setup.

4. Olympic Rings

Olympic rings are a really good option for anyone who is looking forward to enhancing their stamina. However, it isnt really a good fit for your hands because it can cause calluses and blisters rather easily and can bruise your hands if you use them without proper protection. While these grips play a grip-enhancement role in the case of pull-ups, muscle-ups, and kettlebells, in the case of Olympic rings, they play a more protectivesort of a role.

5. Rope-Based Workouts

Rope-based workouts are very common in CrossFit training. Ropes can be particularly harsh on your hands and can cause many problems if used without the protection of a proper hand grip. In addition to that, ropes also require you to have a good grip over them because if you dont, the chances of you slipping and hurting yourself are high. This is why CrossFit hand grips are really important when working with ropes.

6. Regular Barbell Exercises

Last on this list but not least, regular barbell exercises are also a part of CrossFit training and you need to wear a grip for them. This is because using these grips improves the friction between your hands and the barbell and ensures you can lift it safely. Using a grip while lifting also helps you improve and increase your overall strength, which is why most competitions dont allow it to be used, but if you are doing it for your own fitness inside a CrossFit center, totally go for them.What Exercises Can Hand Grips be Useful For?

There are a large number of exercises for which hand grips can be used. Particularly when it comes to CrossFit training, these grips can be used for the following

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