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The impact of sports machine patch on alleviating delay muscle pain: a random, placebo control test

Sep 26, 2022

The impact of sports machine patch on alleviating delay muscle pain: a random, placebo control test

Delayed muscle soreness (DOMS) is a well -known phenomenon that occurs after uncomfortable or severe exercise, especially when exercise involves severe centrifugal contraction. 1 The theory of this phenomenon includes lactic acid accumulation, muscle spasm, connective tissue injury, muscle injury, inflammation and enzyme (inflammation and enzyme (theory

Essence 1, 2 Study the impact of "exercise therapy on delaying muscle pain: Random placebo control test" concluded that exercise therapy (CT) can effectively reduce muscle pain after severe exercise. Academy is important.

The symptoms of DOMS include muscle soreness, swelling, reduced exercise range, maximum strength and manifestations, as well as increased muscle injury and increased inflammation symbols in the blood. The intensity of discomfort and soreness related to DOMS increased within the initial 24 hours, reached the peak in 24-72 hours, and finally retired 5-7 days after exercise. 5

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of intramuscular effect stickers (CT) in a random control test on delayed muscle soreness. In this study, 54 non -sports volunteers were randomly assigned to CT group and placebo CT group.

The strenuous exercise scheme includes 100 consecutive jumps from the 0.60 m high platform, and uses fan -shaped technology to apply the tape to the quadriceps of the CT group. The CT placebo group accepted the internal effect stickers, but there was no technology and pressure.

72 hours after exercise, compared with the placebo CT group, the muscle soreness of the CT group was significantly reduced. 72 hours after exercise, the serum kinase level of the CT group was significantly higher than that of the placebo CT group. The results show that CT can be used to reduce muscle sore after strenuous exercise, and CT can also increase serum civilease level after strenuous exercise.

The KineSio tape for lymphatic flow is an alternative to treat DOMS. According to the CT manufacturer, tape can cause micro -convolution or folds in the skin, which will cause the skin to peel off from the tissue below. 7.8

The tightening effect of CT helps to relieve the pressure of the underlying soft tissue and create space for lymphatic flow. 9 Manufacturers also suggested that increasing lymph movement can reduce swelling, pain and muscle spasm, and improve the scope of exercise and muscle strength. 7,8 Therefore, CT is expected to be an effective means to recover after DOMS.

Several studies have checked the effects of CT on muscle injury after exercise. 10-12 Lee (ET Al) 10 reports that CT can reduce pain and improve muscle function and strength compared with the centrifugal movement without CT.

This is the first random control test that directly compares CT on DOMS to relieve time. This study shows that CT intervention can be reduced after the strenuous exercise plan can reduce muscle soreness. However, CT failed to accelerate the recovery of muscle strength and vertical jump height. During the 72 -hour recovery period, CT has no effect on dynamic changes in the level of LDH, myoglobin and C -reactive protein in serum.

The mechanism of muscle soreness after strenuous exercise is unclear. It may be related to inflammation, especially in the connective tissue component that makes the damage sensor in the muscles and therefore enhances the pain perception. 22 Previous research shows that muscle soreness increases 48 hours after exercise and reaches its peak, and then decreases. 2,13,22

Cheung (et al.) 2 reports that one of the causes of DOMS pain within 48 hours is one of the causes of peak values is that muscle damage causes muscle cell permeability to increase due to CK levels. Similarly, in this study, the muscle soreness of the two groups increased immediately after exercise, reaching its peak 48 hours after exercise, and then decreased. Lee 10 found that compared with the control group 24, 48, and 72 hours after centrifugal exercise, CT reduced muscle soreness by improving muscle strength and function. HUXEVER (et al.) 12 also shows that CT after centrifugal fatigue training can reduce the DOMS pain on the second and 7th day.

In this study, the muscle soreness that appeared immediately after exercise was similar, but in the measurement after exercise, the muscle soreness of the CT group was reduced to a larger degree, and it began to start earlier. This result shows that CT is effective in reducing muscle soreness. The reduction of muscle soreness may be the result of the effect of CT on the subjective perception of pain.

A large number of studies have shown that muscle soreness will cause the vertical jump height of immediate shadows after exercise. 13,18 In this study, the vertical jump height of the CT placebo group immediately decreased after exercise. However, the KT group began to reduce the vertical jump height after 48 hours of training.

Between 48 and 72 hours after training, the vertical jump height of the KT group also increased. KASE8 indicates that KT stimulates skin mechanical sensors and increases the cycle. Therefore, CT can eliminate muscle swelling caused by severe exercise, especially centrifugal contraction, and can improve muscle performance.

One of the restrictions in this study is to intervene and measure only 72 hours after muscle injury caused by exercise, and do not monitor the fully recovery of muscle injury caused by exercise. Another restriction is the lack of blindness and should be followed in CT clinical trials.

This is the first random placebo control test to investigate CT on the DOMS, indicating that CT can help reduce the sore muscle after severe exercise. After the severe exercise, CT will increase serum creatine kinase level and protect muscle damage.

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